The state government has retained Sabah Fisheries and Fishermen’s Development Corporation (Ko-Nelayan) as the sole supplier of subsidised diesel to fishermen in the state.
Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Yahya Hussin said the decision was made at the weekly state cabinet meeting on Jan 8.
The decision was made following a proposal from the Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM) to take over the role of Ko-Nelayan as the sole provider of subsidised diesel.
“The LKIM’s proposal is a policy change that will jeopardise Ko-Nelayan’s interests as a state government agency,” the State Minister for Agriculture and Food Industries told reporters.
Yahya said Ko-Nelayan has been selling subsidised diesel to fishermen since 2001 after getting approval from the federal Finance Ministry, the first agency to bring the subsidised diesel facility to the agriculture sector in Sabah.
Previously, fishermen in the state received diesel supply at the industry price at petrol stations.
They not only had to pay high price for the fuel but also faced problems getting supply from petrol stations located far away.
“Realising the difficulties faced by fishermen, Ko-Nelayan applied for approval to sell subsidised diesel at jetties where fishermen boats berthed throughout Sabah,” he said.
To ensure diesel was readily available to target groups throughout Sabah, Ko-Nelayan expanded its sales outlets to all districts, including setting up one in the Labuan Federal Territory, he said.
So far, there are 20 sales centres under Ko-Nelayan, three run by Ko-Nelayan itself, 11 are joint ventures with private jetty operators and six with Area Fishermen Associations, he added.
— Bernama